Market: Why Your Success is Determined by One Skill

Last Updated on 21/03/2022 by Steve Wanjie

Market aka marketing is a place and a skill that you use every day of your life, knowingly and unknowingly.

The market and marketing indeed drive your daily life.

Either you are selling something, or someone is selling to you.

Your success in life is determined by your ability to market because it helps you find and acquire what you want.

If you can’t market yourself, you get nothing of value in life.

A baby sells itself to its environment by crying.

So for anything you may need in this life, you must sell yourself to an individual, a company, an institution, or an organization to acquire it.


This article explains why market (marketing) is the most crucial skill you can ever learn and how it will determine what you do and become.

Why is marketing the essential skill you can ever learn? 

Marketing is a crucial skill to learn if you want to do well.

Without it, you’ll be unable to tap into networks and relationships that could significantly impact your life and career.

It is a skill that you can learn.

It’s not difficult to understand, but it is challenging to apply.

No matter what your line of work is or what industry you are in, marketing will be necessary.

It is a skill that requires creativity, empathy, and savvy communication skills.

You can study with formal education programs or through self-learning.

It is something that you learn through experience and interactions.

It is why marketing professionals find themselves in such high demand.

A shopper in a supermarket

What is market?

It is the art of acquiring value for your exclusive benefit.

A market (or ‘thoroughfare’) is a location where people come together to buy, sell, and trade goods or provide services.

In economics, the “market” is how people exchange goods or services.

In the United States, markets are regulated by state and federal laws. There are three types of marketplaces: retail markets, wholesale markets, and commodity markets.

Meaning of market

The word “market” refers to goods and services being bought and sold. It can also refer to the people who buy and sell these goods and services.

The term “market” is used in economics, where it refers to the process of buying and selling goods or services.

The market for a particular interest or service is the group of people who usually want that good or service because they need it for themselves or their family, business, organization, or country.

Who needs market?

Everyone needs to market. And we all need the services provided by the market.

Thus, the world and its economy can not thrive without the market and marketing.

Companies, organizations, institutions, countries, and individuals all need marketing because everything revolves around it.

The history of the market

The history of the market is a long one.

It has been around for centuries and has seen many changes.

A call is where people come to buy and sell goods, services, and ideas.

The first markets were established in the Middle East as early as 5000 BC.

They were places where people could trade goods such as livestock, food, and clothing.

These markets were usually held regularly in different locations throughout the year.

In ancient Greece, an open-air marketplace called an agora was used for trading goods like pottery or olive oil.

The agora was also used for public meetings and discussions about politics or philosophy.

There were many types of markets in medieval Europe, including ones that specialized in specific types of goods.

The history of the marketing

Marketing can be described as a set of processes that are used to create value for customers by developing customer relationships.

It is the study and practice of making people aware of products or services in order to sell them.

You can trace the history of marketing back to ancient times when people would barter goods with each other.

The first recorded marketing campaign was in 1767 when Benjamin Franklin sent out a letter asking people to buy his son’s book on electricity.

 You can trace the history of marketing back to ancient times when people would barter goods with each other.

The second recorded marketing technique was in 1786 when Benjamin Franklin sent out a letter asking people to subscribe to his publication called “Poor Richard’s Almanac.”

 You can also retrace it back to ancient times when people would barter goods.

The third recorded marketing campaign was in 1786 when a London coffee merchant sent out samples of his product to potential customers to get them hooked on his coffee.

Otherwise, primitive traces of marketing were there as early as 1500 BCE (Before Common Era.)

Why is market important?

The market is vital because it is where buyers and sellers meet. It is the place where goods and services are exchanged.

A call is also a place where prices are determined.

The call can be divided into two parts:

1) Primary Market:

This is the market for new securities, such as stocks and bonds, which are sold to investors for the first time.

2) Secondary Market:

This is the market for securities that have already been issued, such as stocks and bonds that are traded on exchanges or over-the-counter markets.

Why is marketing important?

Marketing is the process of promoting a product or service to potential customers.

Marketing is essential because it helps companies to sell their products and services.

Marketing also allows companies to build their brands and create awareness about their products.

You can do it in many ways, such as advertising, public relations, social media marketing, direct marketing, etc.

How do you market a product or service?

There are many different ways that you can market your product or service.

You can use traditional marketing methods such as print ads or T.V. commercials.

You can also use digital marketing methods such as email campaigns or social media posts.

Any marketing campaign aims to generate awareness for the product or service and increase sales.

What are the different types of markets?

There are many different types of markets.

The most common type is the retail market.

It is where people buy goods and services from a store or online.

The other market is the wholesale market, where businesses buy goods in bulk to sell them to other companies.

The third type of market is the financial market, which includes banks and stock exchanges.

It is where people trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and commodities like gold or oil.

Otherwise, there are five different types of market structures:

-Perfect competition





What are traditional marketing methods?

Marketing methods are how marketers use them to promote their products or services.

Traditional marketing methods include:

– Advertising

– Public relations

– Sales promotion

– Direct marketing

– Personal selling

What are digital marketing methods?

 You can use digital marketing to reach a wider audience, engage with customers, and measure the results.

Digital marketing methods are how marketers use digital technology to promote their products or services.

These methods include email, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), display advertising, video marketing, mobile advertising, etc.

Digital marketing methods can be divided into two categories:

  • Inbound Marketing:

This type of digital marketing is focused on attracting customers to the company’s website by providing content that is valuable and relevant to them.

  • Outbound Marketing:

This type of digital marketing is focused on reaching out to potential customers through various channels such as email, social media, and search engine optimization (SEO).

What is a traditional market?

A traditional market is a place where people buy and sell goods.

It is also called a marketplace.

A traditional call can be an open-air market, a flea market, or a farmers’ market.

It can also be an indoor mall or shopping center.

What are online markets?

Online markets are a type of online store that sells products and services.

They are usually accessed through the internet and can be accessed from any location.

Online markets have been around for a while now, but they have only recently become popular.

They offer many benefits to both the seller and the buyer.

For example, sellers can list their products for sale without paying any upfront fees or commissions.

Buyers also benefit from this because they can find what they want at a lower price than physical stores.

Examples of leading online markets?

An online market is where people can buy and sell goods and services.

The most popular online markets are Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Alibaba.

Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world. Jeff Bezos founded it in 1994.

It offers a wide range of products from books to electronics to clothes to food items.

Amazon has over 300 million active customers worldwide, with more than 100 million Prime members in the U.S. alone.

eBay is an online auction site that Pierre Omidyar founded in 1995.

eBay has over 800 million registered users worldwide, with more than 140 million active buyers on its platform every month.

Etsy is an e-commerce website that Rob Kalin founded in 2005 as a marketplace for handmade or vintage items and supplies.

What is the importance of online markets?

  • They are a great way to make money.
  • They offer their clients shopping convenience. 
  • You can find anything you want on these sites, and you can even sell your items if you want to.
  • Online marketplaces are vital because they allow people to buy and sell goods without the hassle of setting up their store or website.


  1. How do you define a market?

A market is a group of people interested in the same product or service.

The market size depends on how many people are interested in that product or service.

For example, if 100 people want to buy a new phone, then that is a small market.

If there are 10 million people who want to buy a new phone, that is a large market.

Thus, the market can be defined as a group of people who use the same product or service.

2. What does market mean in the economy?

In other words, markets are where buyers and sellers come together to trade goods and services.

As a result, markets are a cornerstone of all economies, from capitalist systems like the United States to socialist systems like China.

A market is the most critical factor that determines a country’s economy.

A call is any place where goods or services can be bought and sold, so it depends on the local culture of the market in that particular country.

For instance, there are many street markets in countries such as China, India, Brazil, and Kenya because they have more them, such as the informal economy.

Markets can be classified into three groups:

  • Formal sectors (markets controlled by the government)
  • Informal sector (markets not regulated by the government)
  • Black markets (illegal)

The formal sector

3. What are the 3 types of market?

The three types of markets are:

i. Perfect competition

ii. Monopolistic competition

iii. Oligopoly

Perfect competition is a market where there are many buyers and sellers, no one has any control over the product’s price, and all firms sell an identical product.

Monopolistic competition is a market where there are many buyers and sellers.

Still, some firms have more control over the product’s price than others.

Oligopoly is a market where there are few buyers and sellers, but they have significant control over the product’s price.

4. What are the two main types of market?

There are two main types of market

a) Perfect competition

b) Monopolistic competition

  • Consumer Market
  • Business-to-Business

The consumer market is a broad term used to describe buyers and sellers of a product or service.


The consumer market for smartphones includes consumers who buy the phone from a retail store and consumers who buy the phone from an individual on eBay.

The business-to-business (B2B) market is different because it deals with selling or purchasing goods and services between businesses rather than with individuals.


A product or service is bought or sold between businesses rather than between a company and an individual.


A company may sell products made by other companies to businesses, such as grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, etc.

In contrast, other companies may buy products they use in their manufacturing process from them.

5. What is the importance of market? 

Markets are an essential part of the process and the ongoing industry.

Markets are vital parts of society and have been around since time.

They have evolved their way through centuries to become what they are today, a form of a social institution that has a definite role in society.

Marketplaces help you buy and sell goods, trade currencies, negotiate agreements, find jobs and hire employees, among other things.

We would not be able to function without them today.

In a nutshell: 

The importance of markets is that they give you a place to buy and sell goods, trade currencies, negotiate agreements, find jobs and hire employees.

Without them today, we would not be able to function.

What is an example of market?

A market is defined as a set of customers who are potential prospects for a business.

Markets can be defined as local, regional, national, or global.

Local markets usually cover an entire country and have the most significant number of competitors, while global markets are worldwide and have the most customers.

The size of the market is an essential factor in determining the best marketing strategy to use.

Local markets require a different approach than one targeting international markets.


The content marketing industry is a multi-billion dollar market.

However, it is only growing, and the market is predicted to be worth $23 billion by 2020.

6. What type of a market is Amazon?

Amazon is an example of an oligopoly market.

An oligopoly is a market structure in which a few firms dominate the market.

The term oligopoly comes from the Greek words for “few” and “to sell.”

Amazon is an e-commerce firm that runs the world’s largest online shopping website.

Amazon includes the Amazon marketplace and Amazon Prime.

In addition, Amazon provides customers with a wide selection of products across many categories.

The company has been doing this for decades.

Market: Why Your Success is Determined by One Skill conclusion

The article concludes that success in life is determined by one skill.

The skill is to market well yourself, your career, product, or service.

You have to sell to gain value in life.

It would be best to market your ideas continuously to get ahead.

It is that simple!


marketing in Kenya

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By Steve Wanjie

Steve Wanjie is a digital marketing specialist, SEO Expert, expert article writer, blogger, sex educationist, and businessman. He is the founder of Dijito Marketing and He works and lives in Nairobi Kenya.

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