10 Easy SEO Tips Explode Site Traffic - Dijito Marketing

10 Easy SEO Tips Increase Traffic

Design and Build Site Well

Create a sitemap to improve site usability by engines & people

Focus on a Niche

Find and specialize on a niche your care about, e.g., travel

Do Keyword Research Well

Keywords are the words people key into search engine box (such as Google.)

Create High Quality Content

Focused, useful, helpful, and easy to consume content

Create Keyword Rich     Headlines

and Attention Grabbing Titles

Optimize Your Images

 Optimize images for the web, add Alt attributes, and resize them

Ensure Fast Website Loading Time

Site Loading time should be under 3 seconds

Make proper use of Meta Description

Meta Description is a snippet (summary) about your content

Build Links Wisely

Build both internal and external links, its important.

Use Short URLs 

Short URLs are clean, and are likely to be clicked easily as opposed to long URLs.