
Is it Effective to Promote our Website by Commenting on other Websites?

Last Updated on 24/01/2024 by Steve Wanjie

The Secret Weapon of SEO: Unlocking Website Growth Through Powerful Blog Comments

Strategic website promotion through blog comments on other websites is the focus of this article.

Therefore, to Unleash the power of blog comments, you need to learn how to engage strategically, build backlinks, and boost your website visibility without spamming.

The question:

Is it practical to promote our website by commenting on other websites?

The answer is YES.

Promoting your website by commenting on other websites can be effective, but it’s essential to approach it strategically. 

A lady typing a thoughtful blog comment on a laptop
A lady typing a thoughtful blog comment on a laptop

Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of Strategic Website Promotion Through Blog Comments:

Pros of commenting on other websites:

a) Increased visibility: 

Leaving thoughtful comments on relevant websites can get your website name and domain in front of a new audience.

Increased website visibility is crucial in generating traffic because it acts as a magnet, attracting potential visitors from various online channels. 

Here’s a breakdown of increased visibility importance and impact.

Importance of Increased Website Visibility:

– Wider reach: 

A more visible website is exposed to a larger audience, increasing the chances of people finding and engaging with your content. 

Imagine having a shop hidden deep in an alley vs. one on a bustling main street. 

The one on a bustling main street naturally attracts more foot traffic due to its visibility.

– Brand awareness:

 Increased visibility leads to greater brand recognition. 

The more people see your website mentioned, referred to, or linked to, the more familiar they become with your brand, eventually associating it with your niche or expertise.

– Improved search engine ranking: 

Search engines often favor websites with higher visibility, indicating user interest and engagement. 

High visibility can boost your website’s ranking in search results, making it easier for people to find organically.

– Enhanced credibility: 

A visible website exudes legitimacy and professionalism. 

Seeing your website featured on other platforms or generating buzz builds trust and encourages readers (visitors) to explore further.

Increased Visibility Impact on Traffic Generation:

Organic traffic: 

Increased visibility through search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, social media mentions, comments on other websites, and guest blogging can drive organic traffic from people actively searching for relevant information.

Referral traffic: 

When your website gets featured on other platforms or shared by users, it attracts referral traffic from those sources. 

Imagine getting mentioned in a popular blog post or forum discussion – all those readers become potential visitors.

Direct traffic: 

Increased awareness can lead to people directly typing your website address into their browser, indicating strong brand recognition and trust.

Improved conversion rates: 

The more relevant visitors find your website, the higher the chance of converting them into leads, customers, or followers. 

A visible website attracts your target audience, not just random visitors.

It grabs attention, builds trust, and brings more people through your virtual door. 

The more visible you are, the more opportunities you have to connect with your target audience, generate traffic, and achieve your online goals.

 If your comments are approved and include a link to your website, it can contribute to your website’s SEO by building backlinks.

inboundlinks, also known as back links, are like votes of confidence from other websites to yours.

Backlinks play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and benefit your website, impacting visibility, credibility, traffic, and conversions.

Here’s why building backlinks is essential:

– Improved Search Engine Ranking: 

Search engines, like Google, view backlinks as seal of approval, indicating that your website offers valuable content.

The more quality backlinks you have, the higher your website’s ranking in search results.

Valuable backlinks translate to increased organic visibility and the potential to reach a wider audience.

– Increasded Referral Traffic: 

When other websites link to yours, it opens a referral pathway, driving traffic from their audience to your website.

This can be highly targeted traffic, as people likely share similar interests with the website that links to you.

Enhanced Credibility and Authority:

Trust and Expertise: 

Backlinks from high ranking websites with strong domain authority act as trust signals, conveying that your website is credible and offers valuable information.

A backlink from a reputable website boosts brand confidence and motivates readers to interact with your material.

Thought Leadership: 

When your content gets linked to authoritative websites in your niche, it positions you as a thought leader and an expert in your field.

Therefore, backlinks can attract potential clients, collaborators, and partners.

Traffic and Conversion:

Targeted Users:

Developing backlinks from related websites helps you draw site users who are already interested in the subjects you write about.

A targeted site visitor is more likely to convert into a lead, customer, or subscriber than general website traffic.

Improved Click-Through Rates:

Backlinks from high-traffic websites expose your website to a broader audience, increasing the chances of people clicking and visiting your link.

Thus, a quality backlink can lead to a significant boost in traffic and engagement.

Beyond SEO comments on other sites benefits to your site:
  • Brand Recognition: 

By exposing your website and content to new audiences, backlinks from well-known websites and social media platforms can raise brand recognition. 

Hence, leaving quality comments on other websites can generate buzz and build long-term brand recognition.

  • Networking and Partnerships: 

Building backlinks involves outreach and connection with other websites and influencers. 

It’s crucial to remember that well-written remarks can result in beneficial networking connections and possible joint ventures.

It is important to know that, building backlinks is a crucial strategy for improving your website’s online presence. 

It’s not just about short-term traffic but about building a solid foundation of authority, credibility, and visibility that can drive long-term success in the online landscape.

c) Brand awareness: 

Engaging in genuine conversations on other websites can help establish your brand as an authority in your field.

d) Community building: 

Participating in online communities can lead to valuable connections and collaborations.


  • Spammy comments backfire: 

Don’t just leave generic comments like “Great post!” with a link to your website. It can be viewed as spam and damage your reputation.

  • Time commitment: 

Leaving insightful comments takes time and effort. You need to read the content, write thoughtful comments, and potentially respond to follow-up questions.

  • Limited reach: 

Depending on the website and its audience, the potential traffic you get from comments might need to be more significant.

  • Moderation: 

Some websites have strict moderation policies; many must prove or see your comments.

Here are some tips to enable strategic website promotion through blog comments:

  • Target relevant websites: 

Comment on websites related to your niche or target audience.

In strategic website promotion through blog comments, relevant websites are those where your insights shine! 


They discuss topics related to your website (blog.) 

They target and attract a similar target audience as you and welcome open engagement. 

Choose sites you comment on wisely to maximize positive impact on your site! 

  • Provide value: 

Add to the conversation (on other websites) by offering quality insights, asking well-thought-out questions, or sharing relevant experiences.

Example of a strategic comment to write on another website:

Here is an example of a quality comment on an article headlined “Advantages of using Google Bard AI in article writing.” 

Here is the comment:

“Fascinating read! I’m eager to explore Bard’s potential for SEO-friendly, engaging content creation. How do you see it impacting the future of content marketing?”

Note: The comment is less than 30 words long, and it’s high quality:

  • Shows genuine interest in the topic the article is discussing.
  • The comment is asking a thought-provoking question that encourages further discussion.
  • Note:
  • Avoiding generic praise of the article, its author, or self-promotion is the right approach to blog commenting.
  • Be genuine: 

Don’t promote yourself in the initial comment.

Before introducing your website, gain people’s trust and establish yourself as an essential part of the other site’s community.

3 Tips to help write Genuine and Trustworthy Blog Comments:

  1. Engage beyond “Great Post!”: 

Dive deeper than generic praise. 

Ask insightful questions, share relevant personal experiences, or offer constructive feedback. 

Show you genuinely understood and connected with the content.

2. Connect the dots (without spamming): 

If your website relates to the topic, mention it as a resource, but organically. 

Briefly explain how your expertise adds value to the conversation, not just a blatant link drop.

3. Embrace the conversation: 

Respond to other comments, respectfully acknowledge dissenting opinions, and participate in the ongoing dialogue. Don’t leave a one-liner and disappear.

Remember, authenticity in comments builds trust and long-term connections, not just quick traffic spikes.

Don’t force links into your comments. When relevant, mention your website and link naturally as a resource.

What is a natural link?

In blog commenting, you insert a natural link within your comment that appears organically and seamlessly within the discussion.

  1. Contextual mention: 

When your website naturally fits the discussion, weave it in like a relevant resource, not a forced ad.

2. Value first, link later: 

Offer helpful insights, then mention your site as a further reading option, not a self-promotion first.

Remember, natural links blend seamlessly with the conversation, enhancing the experience for readers.

  • Engage in the conversation: 

Respond to other comments and questions to show interest.

Engaging in the Conversation: Show You Care!

Conversations on other websites are about more than just leaving your thoughts and disappearing. 

It’s about fostering a vibrant dialogue, building connections, and becoming a valuable community member. 

Here are some tips to show you’re genuinely interested in the other site’s conversation:

1. Respond to other comments: 

Not just the ones directly addressing you. 

Find exciting points or questions raised by others and add your perspective. 

Adding your perspective shows you’re actively listening and interested in different viewpoints.

2. Ask follow-up questions: 

Curiosity fuels discussions! 

If something someone said resonated with you, ask them to elaborate or share their experiences. 

Asking for elaboration keeps the conversation flowing and encourages deeper engagement.

4. Offer helpful tips or resources: 

Not everyone will agree with everything, and that’s okay! 

Respectfully acknowledge opposing viewpoints and offer constructive counter-arguments if needed. 

Remember, healthy debate leads to growth and understanding.

4. Offer helpful tips or resources: 

If someone seeks advice or information about the topic, share your knowledge! 

Offer relevant tips, tools, or resources that might be beneficial. Sharing positions you as an expert and helps others.

5. Use humor and personality: 

Injecting a touch of humor or lightheartedness can make your comments more engaging and memorable. 

But avoid sarcasm or negativity, as they can dampen the discussion.


Original comment: 

“The author raises a great point about [topic]. Has anyone tried implementing this in their own lives? I’d love to hear some success stories!”

Engaging response: 

“I completely agree! In my own experience, [share your relevant experience and outcome]. I also found [helpful resource] to be precious. What about you, [username]? Do you have any tips to share?”

  • Moderate your participation: 

Refrain from commenting excessively on the same website. Spread your efforts across different communities.

Overall, commenting on other websites can be a valuable tool for promoting your website, but it’s essential to do it strategically and authentically.

Value and relationship-building should be your main priorities; traffic and brand awareness will come.

Recall that it is but a single component of the whole. 

Consider combining it with other marketing strategies like: 

  • content marketing
  •  social media marketing
  •  paid advertising 

What is the importance of avoiding everyday blog comment mistakes, like writing generic comments, not connecting a Gravatar, and not including your full name?

Avoiding everyday blog commenting mistakes is crucial for several reasons:

1. Building Trust and Credibility:

  • Generic comments: 

Things like “Great post!” or “I agree” are insincere and spammy. 

They show that you have not engaged with the content and make you look like you’re just dropping a link for SEO purposes.

  • No Gravatar or full name: 

An empty profile picture and an anonymous username make you seem less honest and trustworthy. 

People are likelier to engage with someone with a face and a name.

Imagine you’re at a networking event. 

Would you talk with someone who just said “Hi” and walked away or someone who introduced themselves, shared quality thoughts on the event topic, and asked you questions?

The one who shared quality thoughts on the event topic and asked you questions, correct? 

The same applies to online interactions.

2. Fostering Meaningful Conversations:

  • Going off-topic: 

If your comment doesn’t relate to the blog post, it disrupts the conversation and detracts from the value for other readers.

Going off-topic annoys search engines, the author, and other readers.

 Therefore, your comment ought to add value to the topic of discussion and your website by generating a backlink and traffic. 

  • Not asking questions or responding to others: 

A one-sided comment doesn’t contribute to the discussion. 

Show interest by asking thoughtful questions, responding to comments, and building on what others have said.

Think of it like a group discussion. 

You would only stand up and make a random statement if you acknowledged what others have said or invited further input, would you?

3. Building Relationships and Community:

  • Self-promotion should come later: 

If your only goal is to promote your website or product, it comes across as self-serving and inauthentic. 

People are likelier to connect with you if you genuinely contribute to the conversation and build relationships first. 

Then, after building a relationship and trust, you can promote yourself.

  • Not coming back: 

Leaving a single comment and disappearing makes you seem like a drive-by commenter rather than someone interested in community involvement.

Imagine attending a club meeting once and never returning. 

Building relationships that way takes a lot of work. Online communities work similarly.

By avoiding blog commenting mistakes, you can:
  • Make a name for yourself as an essential community member.
  • Gain the respect and credibility of prospective clients or customers.
  • Increase the amount of meaningful dialogue and interaction
  • Increase website visitors more naturally and organically.

Remember, quality engagement is critical. 

Take the time to read the blog post, write thoughtful comments, and participate in the conversation. 

You’ll be surprised at its positive impact on your online presence.

Listed below are some more pointers for crafting impactful blog comments:

  • Keep it concise but informative: 

Aim for 2-3 sentences that add value to the discussion.

  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage further conversation.
  • Talk about your personal experiences or observations on the subject.
  • Proofread your comment before submitting it: 

Grammar and spelling mistakes might give you an unprofessional appearance.

  • Respond to other comments and questions: 

Show that you’re interested in engaging with the community.

Following these tips, you can turn blog commenting from a tedious chore into a valuable tool for building relationships, growing your audience, and achieving your online goals.

What are the five main advantages of Commenting on other websites?

Advantages of commenting on other websites:  

Your website gets Increased visibility and reach: 

Your comments can expose your website or brand to a new audience.

Backlink building contributes to your website’s SEO: 

If your comments include a link to your website, it can contribute to your SEO by building backlinks.

Brand awareness and authority:

Participating in pertinent discussions on other websites might help you become known as a thought leader or authority in your industry.

Community building and engagement:

Participating in online communities can lead to valuable connections and collaborations and foster community around your brand.

Traffic generation:

Well-written and insightful comments can drive targeted traffic to your website.

What is the impact of commenting on other websites in the AI era?

The impact of commenting on other websites in the era of AI is multifaceted, creating both new opportunities and challenges:

Positive Impacts:

  • Enhanced Content Analysis: 

AI can analyze your comments for sentiment, context, and relevance, potentially boosting their visibility if deemed valuable contributions.

  • Targeted Engagement: 

AI-powered platforms can match your comments with relevant discussion threads and communities, maximizing your reach and impact.

  • Fact-Checking and Moderation: 

AI can verify factual accuracy and detect spam or harmful content, creating a safer and more informative online environment for commenters.

  • Personalization and Customization: 

AI can personalize your commenting experience by suggesting relevant topics, connections, and resources based on previous interactions.

  • Focus on Quality Over Quantity: 

AI can encourage meaningful discussion by prioritizing well-researched, insightful comments over generic or irrelevant ones.

AI-generated comments: Challenges and Considerations:
  • AI Bias and Echo Chambers: 

AI algorithms can amplify existing biases, leading to echo chambers where dissenting opinions get suppressed. Commenters need to be aware of potential biases and seek diverse perspectives.

  • Over-Reliance on AI: 

Replacing human moderation with AI can lead to censorship and stifle genuine debate. A balance between AI assistance and human oversight is crucial.

What is Impact of AI-generated comments on Authenticity and Human Connection: 

Over-reliance on AI-generated comments could diminish the genuineness and emotional connection of human interaction.

Maintaining a personal touch and authentic voice remains essential.

  • Privacy Concerns: 

AI analysis of comments raises privacy concerns, and users need information about how their data is collected and used. Transparency and ethical data practices are essential.

  • The Evolving Landscape: 

AI capabilities and regulations constantly evolve, requiring users to adapt their commenting strategies and remain informed about the latest developments.


Don’t just drop generic comments. Strategically engage in relevant discussions, offer value, and build relationships.

Authentic commenting, not just promotion, unlocks the true power of website growth.


  1. Moz – The Beginner’s Guide to Link Building: While not solely focused on blog commenting, this guide provides a comprehensive overview of link building and includes a dedicated section on blog commenting strategies, covering best practices, common mistakes, and tools to find relevant blogs.
  2. Neil Patel – Blog Commenting and SEO: Top Tips and Mistakes to Avoid: This article offers actionable tips for crafting effective comments that build backlinks and attract traffic. It emphasizes personalization, providing value, and avoiding spammy techniques.
  3. Search Engine Journal – How Guest Blogging and Influencer Outreach Drive Long-Term SEO Impact: While guest blogging is a different strategy, this article offers valuable insights into building relationships with other websites and bloggers. This can be helpful for finding comment opportunities and creating mutually beneficial partnerships.
  4. Ahrefs – Backlink Building Case Study: From Zero to 100,000 Visitors in 12 Months: This case study showcases the impact of a successful blog commenting campaign on website traffic and SEO improvements. It provides real-world examples and concrete results, illustrating the potential of strategic blog commenting.


By Steve Wanjie

Steve Wanjie is a digital marketing specialist, SEO Expert, expert article writer, blogger, sex educationist, and businessman. He is the founder of Dijito Marketing and Laikipo.com. He works and lives in Nairobi Kenya.

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