
What is Facebook monetization in Kenya Explained Now

Last Updated on 08/04/2024 by Steve Wanjie

But first, what is monetization in Kenya?

Monetization is the opportunity to earn (get paid) for your creativity in content creation and production.

The content you create, such as articles, videos, graphics, photos, magazines, music, comedy, and Podcasts, is posted on Social media platforms for monetary gain.

That is what monetization is, in short.

Facebook monetization allows creators to generate revenue through features like;

  • in-stream ads
  • branded content
  • and fan subscriptions.

As of June 2024, Kenyans can use the content posted on Facebook pages they create, run, and manage to make money through monetization on Facebook.

Facebook monetization in Kenya info graphic - Facebook monetization

1. In-Stream Ads

What are in-stream ads?

In-stream ads are a lucrative opportunity, inserted into a creator’s video content on Facebook, enabling them to earn a significant share of the ad revenue.

Example of an in-stream ad:

If you watch YouTube, you will notice that they stop a video you are watching to show an advert.

These ads are from advertisers using YouTube to market their products or services.

Because these ads run within a video, the ads are known as in-stream ads.

Google’s YouTube profits from in-stream ads, and Facebook wants to share the revenue.

2. Branded Content

What is branded content?

Branded content is when creators partner with brands to create sponsored content, earning a fee or revenue share.

Branded content example

When a brand, such as Kenya Breweries, approaches you to create content to help market one of its products, you partner with the company to produce content specific to the brewing company.

Thus, branded content is a marketing medium that shows a company’s positive values and helps it connect with its target customers.

The marketing medium could be branded articles, videos, emails, or online magazines you helped produce because you are good at it.

3. Fan Subscriptions

What are fan subscriptions?

Fan subscriptions allow viewers to pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content and benefits from creators on Facebook.

Fan subscriptions example

When you are an expert in a particular skill, you can create valuable, helpful, and original expert content on your Facebook page that can only be accessed by those who pay to access your page through a subscription fee you determine.

Facebook page

What is a Facebook page?

A Facebook page is a space on Facebook where you can connect with your fans and customers.

It is the space where you monetize your content to make money online via Facebook.

You must create a Facebook page to make money online via monetization.

Then, you must create content that offers value to Facebook users visiting your page.

Facebook Monetization in Kenya

Kenya will join the Facebook monetization program in June 2024.

Take this opportunity with both hands, Kenyans.

Let’s make money.

The purpose of this article was to explain Facebook monetization.

We have done that, so we’ll see you in our next article about Facebook monetization soon.

Earn money on Facebook


By Steve Wanjie

Steve Wanjie is a digital marketing specialist, SEO Expert, expert article writer, blogger, sex educationist, and businessman. He is the founder of Dijito Marketing and Laikipo.com. He works and lives in Nairobi Kenya.

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