
The Top 7 Free Digital Marketing Courses with Certificate

Last Updated on 27/03/2024 by Steve Wanjie

Free Digital Marketing Course with Certificate.
Want to learn the secrets of reaching your customers online?

Imagine understanding how to use social media, websites, and even email to grow a client’s business.

Wouldn’t this help attract new clients or land you a dream marketing job?

With free, certified digital marketing courses, you can learn in-demand digital marketing skills.

This would boost your career potential and open up exciting opportunities for you.
Kenya’s booming digital economy needs skilled digital marketing people.

Why not you?

A lady tpying on her laptop blog graphic - Free Digital Marketing Course with Certificate

A Free Digital Marketing Course with a Certificate is the question we are answering today.

The question was “Free Digital Marketing Course with Certificate.”

That is the information you want to know as a beginner in digital marketing.

Can you study digital marketing for free?
The answer is YES.

We are revealing the top seven digital marketing courses with a certificate starting with the best market-recognized certification.

1 .Google Digital Garage

Course: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing

Number of modules: 26

Free Certificate: Yes

Google employees and trainers created Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course.

It is the most sought-after online digital marketing course with a free certificate.

Your gain: You learn the basics of digital marketing and a recognized certificate you can use online to make money.

2. Hubspot Academy

Course: Digital Marketing Course
Number of modules: 9
Hubspot Academy is a renowned digital marketing education powerhouse.

They offer many online courses, most of which you pay for.

Their classes include inbound marketing, SEO, content marketing, email marketing, social media, and contact management.

3. SEMrush Academy

Course: They have many free courses on digital marketing. You have to choose.

Free certificate: Yes

SEMrush digital marketing courses helps you master content marketing, SEO, social media, sales, marketing, analytics, e-commerce, paid advertising, public relations, and SEMrush digital marketing tools.

4. Meta (FaceBook)

Course: FaceBook BluePrint
Free certificate: Yes
What do you learn: Social media marketing, specialing on FaceBook and Instagram.

5. Alison

Course: Digital Marketing Overview
Number of modules: 5
Hours of learning: 5
CPD Accreditation: Yes
Free certificate: Yes

6. Coursera

Course: Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate
Free certificate: Yes
Earn degree credit: Yes
Period: 6 months

7. Great Learning

Course: Introduction to Digital Marketing
Free certificate: Yes
Hours of video learning: 2
With this certificate, you can land your dream job.


In today’s Kenya, digital marketing skills aren’t just a bonus.

They’re essential.

Businesses of all sizes are shifting online, meaning customers are searching for products and services on online platforms.

These platforms include business websites, social media, and e-commerce sites.

Whether you dream of a marketing career, want to boost your business, or help your current company thrive, digital marketing knowledge is vital.

It’s your key to reaching the right client, building a solid brand, and achieving success in this ever-changing digital landscape.


As a trained digital marketer, you would need a powerful digital marketing tool like SEMrush to streamline this process significantly.

Its Keyword Magic Tool helps you uncover related keywords, understand search intent, and analyze your competitors’ strategies.


By Steve Wanjie

Steve Wanjie is a digital marketing specialist, SEO Expert, expert article writer, blogger, sex educationist, and businessman. He is the founder of Dijito Marketing and Laikipo.com. He works and lives in Nairobi Kenya.

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